Haha, agreed, I guess as a full-time job, we would kind of lose the "magic" behind making games. Though I do work in the creative department, part-time (and, well, my other job is actually "boring suburban" too

- but hey, from
anywhere the money for hobbies
must flow at all, huh?)
Do you work on another project right now?
I guess I am that slow with my games because I have many other creative road works along the way with my little "label", often I can't decide what to do next... graphics, sound-design, movie-work... so much to do, so less time!! And saddest of all, along the struggle I lost a little interest in my new "gaming" project because it is a re-construction of someone elses dream that person told me (back then I loved the idea), but I will finish it (it is about 80%), and then tackle a game which comes from an own shore again (: