"Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

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"Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83165Post TrickFeed
30 Mar 2016, 23:11

Hello, dear Community!

Though I even do speak/understand a little German, I consider this the more accurate place... as the game is in English, too.

My name is "Trick Feed", and I'm just about to, well, launch more and more creative stuff on my new "label". It is my playground, kind of. No commercial interests!
I experimented with this engine here for years, but never really finished anything. This is my first attempt, and before I show it to a larger audience, I thought you guys might do some testing?? Give some feedback?
I have to admit, I had some help in understanding the engine from a user here, who wants to remain anonymous (due to his knowledge on what projects I also work :mrgreen: )- but you know who you are! Thank you! :drink:


Hey Minka! or: a small Adventure about Life and Death.

Join little Minka on her first educational adventure about how close life and death walk together.
Keep in mind: a cat's existence includes the chance that one in nine lifes is bearing something peculiar to happen...

Don't take it too seriously. And please - don't take it lightly. Meow!

... feel free to ask anything about the game, it is very short but has 2 endings. And one special ending; more or less "by chance" 1 in 9.
The mostly retro'ish soundtrack was made by myself, too. Press the X key while controlling Minka to quick-close the game.

Here is the download:
http://www.file-upload.net/download-114 ... a.rar.html

Hope it works?
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83167Post Zimond
31 Mar 2016, 17:54


Welcome aboard. Really weird stuff you have there ^^

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83168Post Boring Suburban Dad
31 Mar 2016, 22:05

Haha, very cool game! :mrgreen:
Should definitely be played more than once:

I got the "special" ending in the first run and was confused.
Then I got the "normal" ending and was confused and shocked even more :lol:

Would like to see more of that!

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83169Post TrickFeed
01 Apr 2016, 05:56

Haha, yeah, it IS supposed to be weird. :mrgreen: I mostly work on... experiments, rather than classic games. And I must say, I REALLY appreciate the possibilities of the engine! I tested many when it comes to adventure'esque handling, but the PaCDK just DOES the job when needed. Easy but still complex.

So, yeah, there will come more "games", surely nothing for the casual (adventure) gamer, but I hope I can - in which way ever - entertain.
The next project will be a lot more darker. Already 60-70% finished, I would say.

To the "special" ending :mrgreen: - I am not sure if it doesn't occur TOO often. A randomnum triggers a value from 1 to 9, where 2 numbers alone get the special, and the other values let the game proceed normally. So it really is random, but I already had cases where the special came really often.
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83171Post TrickFeed
02 Apr 2016, 01:31

Well, just brought it on GameJolt... let's see what happens :mrgreen: As mentioned in another topic: GameJolt (and similar sites) need more PaCDK !!! :comp:

DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83172Post DeinTroll
02 Apr 2016, 15:12

Sry for my bad english :ugly: But i have somthing to say to this game :lol:

I like this game :rock: Realy good work!

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83173Post TrickFeed
02 Apr 2016, 20:31

Thank you! :D And don't worry, I am sure my German is worse. :mrgreen:
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83179Post Schiman
03 Apr 2016, 20:46

Ok, I played it (with all three endings) and was ... confused? :shock:
Which meaning could such a game have? :mmh:

Technically it was quite well done!

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83180Post TrickFeed
03 Apr 2016, 23:46

Schiman wrote: Which meaning could such a game have? :mmh:
Well, I actually could cut open every detail and explain all the "deepness", but I think such things ruin the experience. I totally understand if someone just wants to see it as a weird little time-killer. :D :comp: That's part of everything I create.
Though, to put it short, it is what the title says: a small Adventure about Life and Death. Minka takes a life, and hers gets taken. The irony of life. It actually is that simple. Life is short-lived.
The "special ending", on the other hand, is just fun, I had the gag-endings of Silent Hill in mind :mrgreen:

Technically it was quite well done!
Thank you!! :)
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83197Post japanhonk
08 Apr 2016, 06:45

So, I played your game now...

Well, inspired by Mr Spock, I thaught " I fail to see the logic of this game"

I missed a gameplay and was confused for what points were given. :mmh:

On the other hand I agree with Shiman. Technical good woork, but I might not be able to follow the goals of your game - although you explained it here before. Maybe I become too old for modern styles :wink:

So - nice work and a lot of potential for more good games.


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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83200Post TrickFeed
09 Apr 2016, 17:08

:) haha, thanks anyway!
As mentioned before, I totally understand when " that kind of 'game' " fails to serve a purpose for everyone to enjoy/understand. But I am thankful that you bothered to play. :D
Other projects have a more classical adventure'esque way to play (but of course similar f*cked up :bravo: )
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

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Humus Humanus
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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83202Post Humus Humanus
09 Apr 2016, 23:20

In reminded me in some ways of Townlore, and as you follow that game on gamejolt I guess I am kind of right :mrgreen:
I am into that kind of strange gaming, so I really liked it, but of course we shouldn't be talking on the logic then :)
An irgendetwas werde ich wohl gerade arbeiten, ja, doch. :D

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Re: "Hey, Minka!" (first Game released)

Post: # 83265Post TrickFeed
05 Jun 2016, 16:31

Ah, sorry, just saw that. Thanks man! And yes, you are right, games like Townlore would be such a source where I kind of draw inspiration from. :)
DISKO OUIJA - narrated by Trick Feed.

Serving you:
obscure Videogame-Experiments
haunted Music- & Sound-Design
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