Though I even do speak/understand a little German, I consider this the more accurate place... as the game is in English, too.
My name is "Trick Feed", and I'm just about to, well, launch more and more creative stuff on my new "label". It is my playground, kind of. No commercial interests!
I experimented with this engine here for years, but never really finished anything. This is my first attempt, and before I show it to a larger audience, I thought you guys might do some testing?? Give some feedback?
I have to admit, I had some help in understanding the engine from a user here, who wants to remain anonymous (due to his knowledge on what projects I also work

Hey Minka! or: a small Adventure about Life and Death.
Join little Minka on her first educational adventure about how close life and death walk together.
Keep in mind: a cat's existence includes the chance that one in nine lifes is bearing something peculiar to happen...
Don't take it too seriously. And please - don't take it lightly. Meow!
... feel free to ask anything about the game, it is very short but has 2 endings. And one special ending; more or less "by chance" 1 in 9.
The mostly retro'ish soundtrack was made by myself, too. Press the X key while controlling Minka to quick-close the game.
Here is the download: ... a.rar.html
Hope it works?