PaC-DK Version 3.1.0 released.

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Der Engine Papa
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PaC-DK Version 3.1.0 released.

Post: # 82759Post Zimond
17 Nov 2015, 17:05

New stuff :

- Gamepad Support : Gamepads can now be used in a game. You can also enable to use a gamepad to move the mouse cursor. See "Gamepad Support" in "Advanced Stuff"
- New Commands : if_paddown and if_padpressed . Checks is a button or the D-Pad of a gamepad was pressed or hold.
- New variable : [gamepadX:1] for reading the positions of all axes of a gamepad. (X/Y U/R and Z)
- Mousewindow : The position of icons that appear next to the cursor can now be adjusted.
- New command : unloadsub (room) allows to unload images of a subroom from memory.

Changes :

- Middle positions of objects in a room are now more precise.
- "No Antialiasing" now affects all windows.
- In the objectwindow you can now zoom in to make handling small objects easier.

Bugfixes :

- Bool Vars that were not predefinied were not saved properly.
- I/O Error 145 fixed when exiting a game.
- setdsp (off) did not remove the dsp effect from walksounds.
- The framepositon in the characterwindow sometimes jumped to position 1.
- Fixed visual glitches when using low resolutions with "No Antialiasing"

To the download Page :

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Re: PaC-DK Version 3.1.0 released.

Post: # 82835Post japanhonk
03 Jan 2016, 20:42

Äh, Ben, mal ne Frage, bin noch nicht zum Testen der neusten Version gekommen :

kann man jetzt eigentlich ein Update der Walkmapskripte durchführen , wend das Game läuft ?

Das habe ich persönlich ziemlich vermisst bisher.


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Der Engine Papa
Posts: 3420
Joined: 06 Apr 2003, 19:34
Location: Krefeld

Re: PaC-DK Version 3.1.0 released.

Post: # 82839Post Zimond
04 Jan 2016, 10:17

glaube ja... kann ich aber nicht beschwören, ich notiers mal.

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