- New Walkmapfunctions : There is now a tool to delete or copy walkmapscripts directly with your mouse. Depending on a walkmapscripts content the squares now have different colors.
- New instruction : Stopsound (Soundname), immediatly stops a sound.
- Savenum, loadnum, savestring and loadstring can now be used with variables for names.
- Bugfix : If a loopscript was delayed with "wait" and another room was loaded the delay was still there.
- Bugfix : A fading zoomeffect will now be immediatly turned off if a cutscene was skipped by the player.
- Bugfix : Fixed a small bug when handling calculations.
- Bugfix : Fixed a rare bug that caused a access violation when loading 2 subrooms after another.
- Bugfix : Stepto was broken and should be ok now.
- Bugfix : ESC should now quit a playing video everytime.
- Bugfix : No more ^ when opening the console.
- Bugfix : Just again fixed a walkmapbug that caused the game to freeze.