The most short code for grag'n'drope?

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PaC-DK Newby
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The most short code for grag'n'drope?

Post: # 78048Post pavka_1
16 Mar 2011, 13:24

Can somebody write the most short code for drag'n'drope? Like in Windows.
One object in empty room. Free move of the object in this room.

Der Engine Papa
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Re: The most short code for grag'n'drope?

Post: # 78049Post Zimond
16 Mar 2011, 14:01

there is an example on the Homepage that you can download, its called "Slidebar Demo". It also contains some simple dragndrop objects

PaC-DK Newby
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011, 09:23

Re: The most short code for grag'n'drope?

Post: # 78050Post pavka_1
16 Mar 2011, 15:48

Zimond wrote:there is an example on the Homepage that you can download, its called "Slidebar Demo". It also contains some simple dragndrop objects
Yes. Good. But it was so hard to understand for me...i fucked my brain, but did it by myself.

In room
On (loop1)
if_bool (step; false)
setnum (obx; 0)
setnum (oby; 0)
if_num (pos; 1)
moveobj (Object2; [mousex]-[intervalx]; [mousey]-[intervaly];0)
setbool (step; true)

in object
on (click)
setnum (intervalx; [mousex]-[obx])
setnum (intervaly; [mousey]-[oby])
setnum (pos; 1)

on (release)
setnum (pos;0)
setnum (obx; [mousex]-[intervalx])
setnum (oby; [mousey]-[intervaly])

You work under new version ot the (great) editor?

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