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by StarLite
02 Jan 2018, 15:36
Forum: About the Point & Click DK Editor
Topic: PaC-Dk Version 3.2.0 is online
Replies: 3
Views: 17305

Re: PaC-Dk Version 3.2.0 is online

Happy New Year Zimond. Just checked out the demo of the new version and all I can say is WOW! I love the smooth option it looks fabulous. Thank you so much. Look forward to trying it out. :banana:
by StarLite
27 Dec 2017, 15:34
Forum: About the Point & Click DK Editor
Topic: New Version
Replies: 1
Views: 8995

New Version

Hey Zimond, hope you had a very Merry Christmas with your family. I'm glad it only comes once a year. Ate too much, now I have to spend the rest of the year to work it off. I was wondering if the new 3.2.0 version will be released in English. I started working on my next game last night and I'm star...
by StarLite
13 Aug 2017, 17:24
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt ADZ File
Replies: 3
Views: 30307

Re: Corrupt ADZ File

Hey guys, thanks for the help. Did I not warn you that you were dealing with an idiot here. I thought last night about the backups before I went to bed. I tried to bring in a few recent ones and they were corrupt so I kept going till I found some good ones. So we're back in business. I love this eng...
by StarLite
12 Aug 2017, 18:34
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt ADZ File
Replies: 3
Views: 30307

Corrupt ADZ File

Talk about a major screwup. I started up P&C today to work on my game and hey guess what, the adz file got corrupted somehow. Everything is gone, graphics gone, script gone, sounds gone. The graphics and sounds are in the mediapool but everything else has disappeared from the work area. I got th...
by StarLite
09 Jul 2017, 23:11
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: Dinner with an Owl #AdvJam2017
Replies: 4
Views: 14853

Re: Dinner with an Owl #AdvJam2017

I love your artwork, excellent job. I didn't get a chance to play much of the game, sorry, but from what I've seen of it it looks great. Well done :banana:
by StarLite
09 Jul 2017, 23:08
Forum: About the Point & Click DK Editor
Topic: Loving It
Replies: 1
Views: 9788

Loving It

Hey folks, guess who's back. I can't believe it's been so long since Roanoke, where has the time gone. Have to say I love this new upgrade, so many wonderful features for brain dead idiots like myself. I started a new game with the new version and I love it, great job Zimond. Hope to be around peste...
by StarLite
24 Apr 2010, 21:43
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: Incident At Roanoke Released
Replies: 3
Views: 15405

Incident At Roanoke Released

Good day fellow creators Well I've decided to release Roanoke. I'm a little worried about how it is going to behave on other computers but I'm hoping for the best. First of all I'd like to thank Schiman for helping me out with the code. I'd also like to say thanks to Lachi for lending me his torn no...
by StarLite
22 Apr 2010, 15:11
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Left MB event
Replies: 10
Views: 23453

Hi Oxilon, I have had the same problem and I use a verb coin as well. What you might need to do is go into the mouse icon in the toolbar and go to the bottom and click do nothing and your walk should work. Hope this helps.
by StarLite
20 Apr 2010, 01:23
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Could This Be A Problem
Replies: 3
Views: 13597

@ japanhonk, hi, yes I did upgrade P&C but I don't usually have problems to the extent I am having now. It's like it's got a mind of it's own. Usually I have a problem or two here and there, but this is extreme. I cleaned up over 50 bugs and they still keep coming, and I can't see any reason for...
by StarLite
19 Apr 2010, 17:49
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Could This Be A Problem
Replies: 3
Views: 13597

Could This Be A Problem

Good day all Well Roanoke is starting to become quite a pain in the lower extremities. I have fixed over 50 bugs in the script, and it seems that when I get one problem solved another creeps up on me. Something doesn't want me to release this game. Here's what's happening I've got objects disappeari...
by StarLite
15 Apr 2010, 04:46
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: It's Finally Finished
Replies: 7
Views: 20920

Hi Rayachelle, hopefully you'll be playing the game soon. What a nightmare it's been. Problem after problem that were fixable. Three of the testers are finished and found a total of about 50 bugs. Still waiting on one more tester. Three of the testers liked the game especially the music. It's not pe...
by StarLite
08 Apr 2010, 01:23
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: It's Finally Finished
Replies: 7
Views: 20920

Hi Zimond, was worried about you. I've noticed you haven't been around much, I hope things are alright. I left out the torn note puzzle, I couldn't figure it out. My bad. It's been quite the learning experience that's for sure. It's not the best game out there but I hope everyone will get a good lau...
by StarLite
07 Apr 2010, 19:09
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: It's Finally Finished
Replies: 7
Views: 20920

Hi Schiman, As a friend of mine once said, "making games is a love/hate relationship." And believe me it's been both that for me. It was fun when everything went smooth and worked out but the moment things screwed up it was pulling out my hair time. I'm not gifted in the way of patience, s...
by StarLite
07 Apr 2010, 17:47
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: It's Finally Finished
Replies: 7
Views: 20920

It's Finally Finished

Good day fellow creators Well it's finally done. Roanoke is finished. The beta testers are testing it and once they give the ok, it will be released. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their help over the years. I'm sorry for being such a pain in the neck. Unfortunately I had to le...
by StarLite
16 Mar 2010, 01:01
Forum: Show your Projects
Topic: Incident At ROANOKE
Replies: 11
Views: 29349

Hi MarTenG I'm working on putting the voices in the engine at the moment. There are a lot of them. One male character alone has 70 lines of dialog. I'm in the process of dubbing them. A stubborn puzzle is giving me headaches that I might have to leave out. As for a release date, sorry can't say anyt...
by StarLite
08 Mar 2010, 17:44
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Note Puzzle Help
Replies: 7
Views: 20420

Hi Schiman, I really appreciate you taking the time to try to help me. I used the sliderbar tutorial and just added my own co-ordinates. It works fine, except instead of being able to drag the note piece, it moves by itself the moment you release the mouse button. It goes to the right spot it's supp...
by StarLite
27 Feb 2010, 00:41
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Note Puzzle Help
Replies: 7
Views: 20420

Hi Schiman, Thanks for the reply. Don't get mad at me, I know you told me to shorten the script but this is the best way I know how to do this puzzle. I took the script from the sliderbar tutorial and just added what I needed. I hope you can figure this out. Here is all the script for the 1st piece ...
by StarLite
26 Feb 2010, 22:45
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Note Puzzle Help
Replies: 7
Views: 20420

Good day all Well I've been hard at this pain in neck puzzle since I've posted this message. I managed to get things semi working but here is the problem now. I want to drag the note pieces to their proper places. But what is happening is when you click on a note piece instead of dragging it to it's...
by StarLite
19 Feb 2010, 20:03
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Note Puzzle Help
Replies: 7
Views: 20420

Hi Schiman First of all I'm very grateful for your help. This puzzle finishes the game I'm sorry I'm not very good with script, I know I should be a lot better especially given the length of time I've been doing this. I'm not very good at learning on my own. It usually takes about 3 or 4 times befor...
by StarLite
18 Feb 2010, 20:15
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Note Puzzle Help
Replies: 7
Views: 20420

Note Puzzle Help

Good day everyone Well I'm nearing the end of Roanoke and this is the very last puzzle. I hope. I am trying to construct a torn note puzzle where you have to put the pieces together. I am using the sliderbars tutorial script. 1. What I want to try to do is. When I move the note piece to it's correct...
by StarLite
27 Jan 2010, 19:37
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Message For Schiman
Replies: 1
Views: 10847

Message For Schiman

Hi Schiman, I just wanted to let you know that the script you helped me with in another message worked great on another puzzle. I can't get to the room you helped me with it for, but I used the script on two other rooms with the same type puzzles and the script worked on both rooms. I think I have a...
by StarLite
27 Jan 2010, 18:27
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt and Disappearing Files
Replies: 7
Views: 20513

Hi Benni & Manni, Yes, first thing I do now is back everything up. As soon as I make a change, right away I do an export, then I copy the adz files over to my external drive, then I copy them over to a 4 gig chip, then I'll copy them to a cd later. Either way I'm not getting caught off guard aga...
by StarLite
25 Jan 2010, 17:15
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt and Disappearing Files
Replies: 7
Views: 20513

Hi Manni, I was getting a little worried there, I thought I was the only one having this problem. I am almost scared to work on my game because I never know what is next. I am so close to finishing this game, I just want to get it done. I hope this is a problem that can be solved. I love P&C DK,...
by StarLite
23 Jan 2010, 01:06
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt and Disappearing Files
Replies: 7
Views: 20513

Hi Benni, My hubby did the CHKDSK and the files came back, but I still can't figure out why the directory got corrupted in the first place. I think it might have something to do with my wireless mouse or keyboard. So far everything is back to normal but who knows for how long. I'm always having weir...
by StarLite
21 Jan 2010, 18:48
Forum: Problems and Bugs
Topic: Corrupt and Disappearing Files
Replies: 7
Views: 20513

Corrupt and Disappearing Files

Good day all, Now here's one for the books. I sat down today to do some work on my game. I disabled my virus scanner as I always do. Loaded up P&C DK when I went to open my Roanoke adv file I got this message: Point and Click DK.exe corrupt file The File or directory c:\P&C DK 294 File\Roano...